I wanted to put together a blog where I talked about some of the best options for training your dog well and cheaper than any other option I have seen. Debbie Jeanne's Dog Obedience Training Video is the best training video that I have had the good fortune to come across. Debbie Jeanne is a dog trainer with over 30 years of experience training dogs. Her methods have been so successful that they have been applied to Guide Dog Training. This is the absolute highest level of training that any dog goes through, so if it works for them I can promise it will work for you.
Why use a dog obedience training video? Shouldn't someone use a trainer directly?
All good dog trainers run across a very frustrating problem. That problem is that they can only help so many. They are limited by two factors. First is geography, because a trainer can only drive so far to train someones dog. The second factor is price. Good dog trainers aren't cheap, and you should be suspicious of any trainer that is very inexpensive. Quality dog training runs often well over $100 dollars an hour! But by presenting the information through a dog obedience training video, both of the limiting factors can be overcome. A video is easier to learn from than a book because you can actually see what to do. See where to put your hand, how and where to grip the leash. These are things that are almost impossible to learn from a book. A good dog obedience training video will allow you to learn from the comfort of your home and train your dog at your own pace. Paying a trainer to train your dog presents many problems that i will explain here shortly, but the largest is the fee. People routinely spend hundreds to thousands of dollars on quality dog training. What if you could get the results from a dog obedience training video for a fraction of the cost?
Does your dog:

Running Away?
Peeing or Pooping in the house?
or just plain Ignoring you?
Do you WANT to simply accept it or would you like to CHANGE those behaviors?
Tired of books that don't help and are full of conflicting information?
Don't want to send your dog off? OR maybe you dont have time to drive to meet the group classes when they are offered, or can't afford a trainer to come to your home?
Then Debbie Jeanne's Dog Obedience Training Video could be exactly what you need.
If your not convinced that a dog obedience training video could help you, let me quickly go over some of the alternatives.
'Send-Away' Training- You send your dog off to get trained then get them back after training is complete. -You not only don't get to SEE your dog for a period of weeks or months, but because you weren't part of the training it will NOT last long term, and could lead to a worse situation long term
Group Classes- Group based training. -You don't get much 1on1 time with the instructor, have to drive to the meeting place at a specified time, and don't even focus on the problem behaviors that are driving you crazy. (ie... biting, digging, jumping, barking, housebreaking, chewing etc...)
In-home training- Works great if you get a good trainer and can afford it. Expect to spend >$100 per hour.
Books- Are cheap, but are full of conflicting information and are hard to learn from.
Video- a good dog obedience training video has a LOT of benefits. You learn from the comfort of your own home and do so at a pace that you set. You can see the techniques being used making it easier to learn from. It is significantly cheaper than any other option aside from books. (the video I link to is less than 50 dollars and is also instant access).
I believe that for most people Debbie Jeanne's Dog Obedience Training Videos will be able to help out tremendously. I see it as a low risk first step to dog training that will be the first and last step for those that try it. But if it doesn't work out, she has included a no-risk 8-week satisfaction guarantee! That is one of the other things that makes me comfortable recommending it to others.
If you are interested in seeing a much more in-depth break-down of what each different training option entails, please follow the link to Debbie Jeanne's Dog Obedience Training Video
In closing, Debbie Jeanne's Dog Obedience Training Video is an option that is relatively cheap in comparison to the other alternatives. It gives a real chance to help improve the quality of life between you and your dog and is risk free. If it doesn't work, you can always get your money back and apply it to one of the other more traditional training options. But if a dog obedience training video helps you out, you can save hundreds to thousands of dollars and more importantly improve the relationship between you and your dog!
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